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At Hickory Mountian, we are a family of followers of Christ striving together to grow in His likeness.


We are made up of people representing diverse walks of life. If you are currently looking for a church home or have been considering what God might have in store for your life, we would love for you to join us and see what we're about.



It is my desire as pastor that our goal be the preaching of the Word of God, genuine worship, devoted members, loving discipline, genuine conversion, membership with meaning and outreach.


I invite you to join us as we strive to be a Christ-centered, Spirit-led, Bible-driven church, for the glory of God.


Pastor Casey Rayfield


     Pastor Casey Rayfield is a native of Cherryville, NC. He spent his teen years in Brazil where his parents are missionaries. It was there in a Brazilian mission church that Brother Casey was born again by the grace of God one Sunday night and also a couple years later where he surrendered to the call of God for gospel ministry as a preacher. After graduating high school Brother Casey returned to the states to begin his formal training for ministry, at West Lenoir Baptist School of Ministries in Lenoir, NC. He also was under the tutelage of his father Rev. Kipp Rayfield, grandfather Rev. Hinkle Rayfield and pastors Dr. James Lockee, Rev. Rick Safriet, Rev David Montgomery, Rev Jason Payne. 

     During this time of school, Bro Casey and Sister Lauren met. They meet through her father, Rev. Richie Honeycutt, who was a student at the same time. Sister Lauren was raised in Jonesborough, TN, which no one will ever convince her there is a better place than there, on God’s earth. Upon finishing school in 2014, Brother Casey and Sister Lauren were married.  From that day until now it has been their personal goal to love each other and do everything they can to serve God with there family. Since that day on May 31, 2014, God has blessed them with two children; Kennedy who loves to sing and Judson who is happy to be along for the ride. 

Our History 

     The year was 1878. A group of believers met together for the purpose of worship and study of the word of God, lead by Elder Daniel Hackney. Elder Hackney became Hickory Mountains first pastor and served for seven years. Upon organization, Hickory Mountain Baptist Church joined the Sandy Creek Baptist Association with Rev. Daniel Hackney, S.P. Teague and Wiley Cheek being the first delegates.The churches first meeting place was just north of our present location. The meeting place also doubled at a school house. In 1902, the membership agreed to sell the meeting house to the patrons of the school and build a new church building on a lot near by. The new facilities were finished in 1904, on our current location.There have been changes through the years. People have come and gone. Additions and remodels have been made but the same Jesus is still preached from the same pulpit built in 1904. We pray our mission will never change and the a new generation will hear the old old story of Jesus and His Glory.


The question “What is the Gospel?” is perhaps the most important question a person can ask. The word Gospel literally means “good news.” It is the plan that God has designed to save sinful humans from eternal separation from Him.



  • A Baptist Church in Chatham County


  • Preaching Jesus to Silk Hope


  • A Church of Hope to Siler City


1094 Mt. Vernon-Hickory Mtn. Rd
Siler City, North Carolina 27344


CHURCH OFFICE: 919-742-3928

PASTOR'S OFFICE: 423-794-8250

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