There is so much to do. In every area of life there are needs. Everywhere we turn somebody needs help. Most days I run into people who need some type of help. Sometimes it is financial, some times it is physical time and labor. Other times it may be just ear a to listen and encouragement. Whatever the need maybe the biggest need that I see is simply people to be willing. When it comes to church life, ministry and being in services for God, the biggest challenge we are faced with is to find people who are willing. I believe this problem comes from a heart of selfishness. We look at our personal problems and want to know how others can help us. People want to know what you can do for them. What does the church have to offer them? What will the association give them. How will the SBC benifit our church? When we become focused on our needs, we lose our willingness to serve others.
God is the one person though who needs nothing. He does not need our service or help. This is what make it odd to us that God ask anything of us. He does not need us but he want to work through us. As we examine the scriptures God does not ask use to be able, talented, or successful. What God ask of the christian is to be willing. If we can address these two matters, success and selfishness, we will become more willing, while seeing a greater work of God among us.
This matter of selfishness is a big deal. It is actual something Jesus himself addresses in Matthew ten. He tell us we are to deny ourselves. We are to take up our cross. This means our desires, ambitions, and even needs should not be what we seek. If our will is neglected we will stop serving self. It will not matter what we receive in return, all that will matter is if we are serving God. We will become people who are willing to be willing servants. When something is asked of us, we will try our best to make ourselves available. This is what God wants of us. He wants a people who make themselves available to him no matter what. We are his and we belong to him. We should be available to him and his work at all times. We should not be asking the questions, what does this church have to offer me or what will we get in return. We should rather be asking what can I do or give. Is this not what Jesus did and does for us?
Then on the the matter of success. We are a success driven people. If we do not believe we can do a task successfully, we will not even attempt it. When asked to teach a bible lesson, how many times has the answer been, I cant do that because i am not a good at teaching. When asked to share the gospel, we say we aren't good at talking to strangers. When asked to serve in a position, do a mission, or whatever may be asked of us, we respond with a no because there is someone else better qualified. God does not ask us to be the best, he simply ask us to make ourselves available. Was this not the case with Moses when God asked him to lead the Israelite? Moses said he was not qualified, yet when he became willing God made him the one of the greatest leaders in the history of Israel.
When God began dealing with me about allowing myself to be nominated for president of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, I told him there is no way I can do that. I will never get the votes needed and I gave him all my reason. I did not think I could win the election. I told him I have enough other stuff going on in life with being a husband, soon to be father of three, pastoring my church, serving in my local association, and working a secular job. I said there is no way I have the ability to serve in this office too. I told him there is nothing this endeavor will benefit me. I had all the reasons why I should not. God in time though began reminding me it is not about me, and it is not about being a successes. We are simply called to be willing to serve where he calls. God will provide me with the ability. He will meet my needs and it's not about succeeding. It is about being willing.
Are you willing? You may not have the most baptisms. Your church may have zero baptism. Your ministry may be like Jeremiah who had no conversions. You may not be the greatest preacher, singer, evangelist, organizer and that is okay. God will take your willingness, use it and bless you in spite of your inability. Are you willing though. “The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to him. By God’s help, I aim to be that man."-DL Moody