The past few months have been a whirlwind around the Rayfield house. Between puppies, a new baby and all the continuing normality of life, we have been on our toes. In the middle of all of our summer hassle, I decided to announce that I would be nominated for the president of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina and then right before our son was born I began the process of presenting a resolution on pastors to the messenger of our state convention. Some call me crazy, and we won’t say what my wife calls me. None the less we are still at it. Our puppies will all have gone to their new homes this weekend, Elliot is a month old and we are celebrating our Daughters 6th birthday. Life has slowed just a tad but it is all about to crank up yet again as state convention and the holidays are approaching.
I wanted to take a moment to give an update on the status of our resolution. After submitting the resolution to the Resolution Committee, they decided to not present it to the messengers at the N.C. state convention. Best I understand the committee did not reject the resolution because of doctrinal issues. I was told that the committee was in agreement with the doctinal stance of the resolution but none the less they decided to not proceed with it. Though I do not understand their reasoning, I accept their decision. This does not mean this is the end for this resolution on pastors though.
I believe that we are in a war and this issue of the role of pastors, is one of the battles the devil is raging against the church of the living God. If he can undermine the churches position on this issue, then he has gotten further down the path of undermine the scriptures. The Scripture clearly speak to this issue and as Albert Molher stated at the SBC National Convention, not to many years ago there was no need to address the subject further than the statement in the BF&M2000 because the scriptures were accepted for what they simply say. We live in a day of analyst, critics, philosophers and social justice warriors. We have individuals who look as the scripture through a lens of world views, personal preferences, and social acceptance. This is more than just a battle over the role of a pastor it is a battle for the scriptures. On this issues the scriptures are plain. We must stand strong, other wise our stances says the scriptures don’t matter.

After my resolutions rejection I started the next step to get it before the messengers. Though I accept the committees decision, that does not mean that is the end. According to our conventions by-laws, if the resolution is rejected by the committee, I may seek to present the resolution to the messenger during the time of miscellaneous business. I have submitted my resolution to the Board of Directors secretary as the by-laws directs. We now need your help. For the resolution to be brought before the messengers for discussion, it will have to receive two-thirds vote for this discussion to happen. We need you to show up and vote to allow us to have this discussion with the messengers. The time of business will be at 9:45 am on Tuesday, November 8th. If we look for our convention of churches, working together for the furtherance of the Gospel, to proceed faithfully we need to show up. We need to vote on matters of doctrine and use of funds from our members tithes. It is our responsibility and we can move forward faithfully if messengers show up, from the normative church like yours.
If you are interested this is the resolution, which we hope to see our churches put their support behind, you can read it here.
Resolution on Office, Function and Title of Pastor
WHEREAS, many debates surface surrounding the word “pastor”; and
WHEREAS, there are uncertainties by many concerning the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina’s stance on the subject of the word, office, function and title pastor; and
WHEREAS, pastors are vital elements of the leadership in the churches which compose the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina; and
WHEREAS, Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language defines pastor as, “A minister of the gospel who has the charge of a church and congregation, whose duty is to watch over the people of his charge, and instruct them in the sacred doctrines of the christian religion.”; and
WHEREAS, according to Webster’s definition and historic Southern Baptist ecclesiology, use of the word, office, function and title pastor is in reference to the scriptural positions of leadership referred to in 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1; and
WHEREAS, presented in scriptures the pastor/bishop is to be the HUSBAND (male) of one WIFE (female) and there are no qualifications directed to a wife; and
WHEREAS, pastors/bishops, even if not lead or senior, are the spiritual teaching leaders in the congregation of local church; and
WHEREAS, women are not permitted to preach/teach in the assembly of the local congregation of the church according to 1 Corinthians 14 and 1 Timothy 2:12; and
WHEREAS, there is no scriptural evidence for women to serve as pastor, lead pastor, senior pastor, associate pastor, youth pastor, children’s pastor, finance pastor; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the office, title, and function of pastor is reserved for a scripturally qualified, biologically born male; and be it further
RESOLVED, that if the individual is not qualified of ordination, then they are not qualified as a pastor; and be it further
RESOLVED, that though the office, title, and function of pastor is a privilege, it is even more so a duty and responsibility of the Christian men of the church, which carries much responsibility.