In most of our churches we sing an old song named, "Stand up for Jesus". This song references the war we are in as christian's. We live in a day when few are doing much to stand. To the contrary, christianity today does as much as we can to sit comfortably. We sit in the stands, as we watch the battle being waged as though it is a sporting event we can simply observe.
There has been big changes in our families life in recent weeks. My oldest started kindergarten and our youngest was just born. Our community has been challenged with a changing world. In our county there has been battles waged on our faith by both teachers, elected officials, and civil servants. Our churches, association, and conventions have faced Covid-19, declining attendance, declining dedication and departure from faithful doctrine. The facts is we are in a continually changing world. As the world changes, the battle is being fought on, who will gain the ground. We must remember though that our battle is not against flesh and blood.
As this battle rages around you, I question if you will stand to fight or if you will continue in the bleachers. Will you live as though you are on a cruise ship or a battleship. It is easy to commentate on the battle. We can talk about the changing world and how we need to stand. Talk is cheap though and actions are costly. Getting into the battle will cost your comfort, and your time.

We could retreat into the suclution of our homes. We can all make excuses to why we can not do more. We can talk about how it's pointless to stand. Ephesians 6:13-14 call us to stand and when we have done all we can, we should stand some more. Your community, convention, and church need you to stand in the gap. Your family needs you to leave your comfort and neutrality to stand up and fight. Your God demands and deserves you to stand. I ask what are you doing to stand? Setting faithfully in the comfort of your pew is good but that is not standing. Talking about the problems at the corner store may be helpful in the development of a plan but its not standing. As soldiers of the cross of Jesus in a changing world, let's do more to actually stand up and fight!!!