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Writer's picture: Casey RayfieldCasey Rayfield

Recently, I preached a message from I Samuel 25 on, "What will you do when your Samuel dies?" I believe this is a question we all must face at some point in our lives. Throughout the scriptures we see several times where a "stay" for the people of God passes off the scene and those under that leadership needed to step up. Leaders like Moses, Samuel, and even Jesus spent their lives looking after the people of God who were entrusted to their care. They taught, cared, supported, corrected, and lead their people to Jesus while holding the boundaries God ordained. They are individuals who poured their heart and soul into the people and ministries that God placed them in. However, like all good things, they too must pass.

When an individual passes off the scene that have been the stay for so many others over the years, those surrounding them are then put to the test. Up until that point these people have been sheltered, guarded, and preserved by the individual who has been their stay. I believe this can be seen in modern day through the life of Queen Elizabeth. Though she was not perfect, it can be said that she has been a stay for the people of Great Britain. She has seen and lead her people through many days, both good and bad. She has taken losses for her people and experienced gain with her people. Through the decades eloquence, values, morals, and integrity have decayed. The Queen, though, has remained an image of class and has cared for her people. With her passing, it will be seen if those who come after her will do the same. We are entering the time of testing as she has passed and new leadership rises in England.

Many of us have had individuals in our lives who have been Samuel to us. Some have passed, and some soon will. People including loved ones who have kept the peace in the family, deacons who have demonstrated faithfulness, pastors who have held high the scriptures, teachers who have helped us dig deeper in the Word, saints who have demonstrated a faithful walk and prayer life, statesmen who have fought for truth and justice, and spiritual leaders who have promoted the gospel locally, nationally and around the world. We have all had our Samuels. The question is, when their shoes are emptied, will they be filled? We can not expect to wake up one day and be a Samuel or Moses, because they did not. They had their years of mentor-ship and preparation. Samuel spent years serving, unseen by other, at the feet of Eli. We need to be preparing to fill these shoes so we can continue to point individuals to Jesus. We need people to rise as godly parents, teachers, preachers, singers, leaders in our communities, and leaders in our convention. We need people to be voices crying in the wilderness; not seeking fame, popularity, or gain. We need men and women who will stand-up, speak-up and shut-up. Will you be that person for your family, church, community, association, convention, and even our nation? Someone else will not do your job!!!





  • A Baptist Church in Chatham County


  • Preaching Jesus to Silk Hope


  • A Church of Hope to Siler City


1094 Mt. Vernon-Hickory Mtn. Rd
Siler City, North Carolina 27344


CHURCH OFFICE: 919-742-3928

PASTOR'S OFFICE: 423-794-8250

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