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Resolution on Pastors

Writer's picture: Casey RayfieldCasey Rayfield

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

Following the events of the past two SBC annual meeting, it is appears we need to take a stand on what we believe as NC Baptist. We are, as the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, in the top four conventions according to size, as of 2020. What we, as BSCNC, do and believe matters greatly as Southern Baptist. During the conservative reensurgence, what we believed in regards to pastors was established through the BF&M of 2000. This debate has arose yet again though and the question is being raise on, what does the statement in this confession concerning pastors actually mean and to whom is it speaking.

I do not believe that most who use the word Pastor differently from the way expressed in this resolution, does so maliciously. I believe it comes from a culture that looks at words differently. We live in a culture that takes words and adapts them to use how they think it can best be used. Often the historic meaning of the word is not regarded in our contemporary culture. This approach has crept into the church as well. There are many biblical and ecclesiastical words that have been adopted by our current church culture, used them differently from there historical and biblical definition. I believe this is done mostly innocently but it can have grave consequences to our biblical doctrine down the road.

It is with this stage that this resolution is being presented and being requested for consideration. As NC Baptist we need to do our part. We must lead, following the scriptures in what is plainly stated. We need every church to come out this November and voice their beliefs, regardless of their support or opposition of this resolution. As a group of roughly 4200 SBC churches, some in active cooperation and some not, we need to reengage with our convention, maintaining a faithfulness to the scriptures. Please take a moment to read this resolution, pray the resolution committee will bring it before the messengers in November, and then come express your beliefs, according to the scriptures.


Resolution on Office, Function and Title of Pastor

WHEREAS, Many debates surface surrounding the word pastor

WHEREAS, There are uncertainties, by many, of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina’s stance on the subject of the word, office, function and title pastor

WHEREAS, Pastors are vital elements of the leadership in the churches which compose the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina.

WHEREAS, Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines pastor as, “A minister of the gospel who has the charge of a church and congregation, whose duty is to watch over the people of his charge, and instruct them in the sacred doctrines of the christian religion.”

WHEREAS, According to Webster’s definition and historic southern baptist ecclesiastical use of the word, office, function and title pastor is in reference to the scriptural positions of leadership referred to in 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1

WHEREAS, Presented in scriptures the pastor/bishop is to be the HUSBAND (male) of one WIFE (female) and there is no qualifications directed to a wife.

WHEREAS, Pastors/bishops, even if not lead or senior, are the spiritual teaching leaders in the congregation of local church

WHEREAS, women are not permitted to preach/teach in the assembly of the local congregation of the church according to 1 Corinthians 14 and 1 Timothy 2:12

WHEREAS, there is no scriptural evidence for women to serve as pastor, lead pastor, senior pastor, associate pastor, youth pastor, children’s pastor, finance pastor,

RESOLVED, That the office, title, and function of pastor is reserved for a scripturally qualified,  biologically born male.

RESOLVED, That if the individual is not qualified of ordination, then they are not qualified as a pastor.

RESOLVED, That though the office, title, and function of pastor is a privilege, it is even more so a duty and responsibility of the christian men of the church, which carries much responsibility.





  • A Baptist Church in Chatham County


  • Preaching Jesus to Silk Hope


  • A Church of Hope to Siler City


1094 Mt. Vernon-Hickory Mtn. Rd
Siler City, North Carolina 27344


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