There are many questions we face in life. Some are bigger and seemingly more important, while others seem less. Some questions we ask ourselves and some others ask. I remember early in my walk with Christ I began asking God some questions I had been asking myself. Little by little God began answering my questions. As my walk with Christ has continued those questions I asked God, people have started asking me those questions. As you read this you are probably wondering what those questions are. Well as a teenage boy it was really big questions for me like, "who should marry?" or "what should I do with my life?". I never really thought anyone else would ask about God's answer to my questions but I am finding out that is just not true. I am finding out in actuality, those questions of early life are what I get questioned about the most.
I believe these questions are brought to me mostly for two reasons. One reason is because these questions and the answers to them have formed me into the person I am today. People ask because they want to know who I am and what makes me tick. They want to know the motives behind why I do what I do. The second reason they ask, is because they have or have had the same questions in their own lives.
All of our lives are filled with questions that we need answers to. This bring me to my first point. If we need the wisdom of God in our lives to make decisions, we should just ask according to James chapter one. God has the answers to the questions we have. We just need to ask him for the wisdom. Do you need direction? Do you have big decisions to make? If you do, I am here to tell you to talk to God about them because he will direct you. Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
The second truth I have learned is that the wisdom of God only comes to us through patients. None of those question I had, in my early christian walk come with quick answers, in actuality they are still being answered today. God has answered my questions progressively. God gives the answers as we need them. Sometimes he gave glimpse into the answers and I thought it was full answers, only to realize today that God is still providing fuller answers to my early questions. Have faith today that God will answer our questions for tomorrow. I am often asked to day questions such as why did you decided to become a preacher, why pastor, how did you meet your wife, how did you end up in Siler City, and more recently what made you decide to be nominated for Baptist State Convention of NC president? As I look back on these question I realize the answers to these question all come from the question I asked God fifteen years ago. They are not all specific question I asked God but they are his answers to them.
The third and last point I would like to make is this, worship in your questions. To receive answers to our question, we must do the same thing we do in asking in our questions, we must worship. To receive my answers I first had to find myself worshiping God and with every answer I have, I find myself in worship. Worship is what lead me to preach and I worship in my preaching. Worship is what lead me to Siler City and I find myself worshiping in Siler City. Worship is what lead me in this endeavor for presidency of the BSC of NC and I hope to worship him through this endeavor. Worship is what lead me to my wife and we worship him
in our marriage. Worshiping the True and Living God is the answer to all our questions
If you have questions today, ask them. One day you to will probably be asked the same question and you will need to know the answers. Your answers may not make full sense to the person questioning you, just like God's answer may not make full sense to you. Keep worshiping though and it will all make sense in the end. 1 Corinthians 10:31